ztffields documentation

ztffields documentation#

ztffields is a package made to handle Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) fields system.

ZTF observes using pre-define sets of field idenfitied with a unique fieldid ; it already exists more than 2000.

The ZTF camera is made of 16 CCDs identified by a unique ccdid ranging from 1 to 16 (incl.) and each CCD has four amplifier, definining 4 quadrants defining, in total 64 rcid (16x4) ranging from 0 to 63 (incl.).

ztffields enables to interact with the ztf field system at the focalplane (whole camera footprint ; 1 polygon), at the ccd (16 polygons) or at the quadrant (64 polygons) levels.

Sharp start#

Get the fieldid that contains a given set of targets

get the fields containing one target

import ztffields
ztffields.radec_to_fieldid( [80, -20] ) # returns a pandas.Series
# result
0    1297
0     305
Name: fieldid, dtype: int64

or for a list of targets.

import numpy as np
random = np.random.default_rng(12345)
ras = random.uniform(size=100, low=0, high=360)
decs = random.uniform(size=100, low=0, high=360)
radecs = np.vstack([ras,decs]).T
# input shape (N, 2) or pandas.DataFrame()
fields = ztffields.radec_to_fieldid(radecs) # returns a pandas.Series
0    1815
0     812
1    1894
1     871
1     872
Name: fieldid, dtype: int64

The index of fields is that of the input coordinates. This matching is lightning fast. Try !

Select fields for some conditions The ztffields.get_fieldid function has options to select fields given some basic conditions such as, grid system (main/secondary) galactic latitude or milky way extensions. See details in the function’s docstring. For instance, let’s consider the fields or the main grid avoiding galactic latitude lower than 10.

good_fields = ztffields.get_fieldid(galb_range=[[-90,-10], [10,90]], grid="main")

Now display the number of target per main grid fields

# Let's generate random sky distribution

size = 40_000
dec_range = [-45, 90]

# -> random in the sky
dec_sin_range = np.sin(np.asarray(dec_range)*np.pi/180)
ra = random.uniform(*ra_range, size=size)
dec = np.arcsin( random.uniform(*dec_sin_range, size=size) ) / (np.pi/180)

# build a dataframe structure.
radecs = pandas.DataFrame({"ra":ra, "dec":dec})

# and project to a focalplane shape | try using ccd or quadrant
df = ztffields.radec_to_fieldid(radecs, level="focalplane")

# groupby field id
fieldid_s = df.to_frame().groupby("fieldid").size()

# - and limit to main grid not in the MW
good_fields = ztffields.get_fieldid(galb_range=[[-90,-10],[10,90]], grid="main")
fieldid_s = fieldid_s[fieldid_s.index.isin(good_fields)]

# Display | change the origin to shift the milky way
fig = ztffields.skyplot_fields(fieldid_s, origin=180) # change the
Skyplot random

Tweack how to display

# change the origin of the milky way,
# change the projection direction specifying 'geo' in the system (instead of astro by default)
# add a label
# change the colormap
# using a cartopy projection
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
fig = ztffields.skyplot_fields(fieldid_s,
                           system="geo icrs",
                           label="number of observations",
Skyplot random galactic


Indices and tables#